How To Sell Products In Japan

 We will cut through all the difficulties for international sellers and get your products in-front of the buying public and businesses


Welcome to our website “How to Sell Products In Japan by our subscription service”.  Most likely you have arrived here because you are looking at the possibilities of entering the Japanese market with either some products or a service.  You have come to the right place.  Please feel free to browse and if you have any questions you are welcome to use our chat if we are online or leave us a message in the form on the contact page and we will get back to you as soon as possible

Are You Looking to Reach Japanese Consumers Online?

The Challenges Of Selling In Japan

Selling Products and Services in Japan Subscription. Website, translators included

Breaking into this market

Are you ready to start selling your products in Japan?

Are you ready to start selling your products in Japan or do you require help if you already have products selling in Japan but are not getting buyers? Then, you have come to the right place. 

Entering the Japanese e-commerce market could be a great opportunity for your brand. But first you need to understand what Japanese shoppers want from their online experience. We will show you how you can sell products in Japan, through our simple online subscription service and you won’t need to worry about market research, or promoting your products as that will be our concern.

In addition, our experienced Japanese bilingual digital marketing consultants will be ready to support you in your start and progress in the Japanese market and if you need assistance with online advertising or social media marketing in general in Japan or an actual company to represent you in a potential deal in Japan, we would be delighted to help.

So do get in touch if you need any assistance with selling your products in Japan.

How It Works

The Signing Up Process


When you sign up with a subscription you will be required to pay the website setup cost  (currently $0 but you will have to pay for the Japan domain which is currently around $50USD.  e,gl, but the monthly maintenance which is billed monthly once the website is live.  It may take us up to one month to design and make live your website so billing for the maintenance will not start until the website is live.  


Details about the terms and your rights will be displayed at the time you sign up and a copy will be sent shortly after sign-up in the welcome email sent to your email address.


When you sign up with a subscription you will be required to pay the website setup cost but the monthly maintenance which is billed monthly afterwards is not required initially
The Design Process by us as your japan agent

The Design Process

We will send you a link to the design form so we can gather enough information about your products to be able to start the design process. We will from time to time ask for more information until we feel we have enough to be able to complete a draft copy of the website.   At that time, we will send you a link to that draft copy.  You will have the opportunity to review and reply with any changes or corrections to the content.  How to sell products in Japan ?  Contact us on the  contact form below and we will get back to you. Thanks

The “Go-Live” processes

Part of the initial design process will be to assign a Japanese domain. e.g.  You can give us suggestions and we will also assist with this considering that the domain name will need to be SEO-friendly and helpful for Japanese people to be able to find it on Japan’s Google and Yahoo search engines.

At the “Go-Live” time we will make your website live on the internet and set up Google Console and Google Analytics so we can promote your website in Japan. Also, at the “Go-Live” we will make a backup of your website and send it to you together with your own login details.

The “Go-Live” processes, part of the design process we do in japan
The "Post Live" processes. How to sell products in japan

The "Post Live" processes

After your website is live, we will send you a link from Stripe to set up the monthly maintenance fee. 

It should be noted that you are free to cancel this at any time with one month’s notice and as owner of your website and domain name you are free to move your website away from us at any time with one month’s advanced notice.  It should also be noted that our support of potential customers will end at that time.

The Maintenance and Support

At the beginning of every month, we will send you the following reports.

  • Previous month’s customer interactions
  • The Google Console and Analytics reports

We will maintain your website, including any updates to the operating system, WordPress and plugin updates to keep it secure and operating efficiently.


Japanese staff - The Maintenance and Support
What happens when a visitor has a question or a request for more information?

What happens when a visitor has a question or a request for more information?

Our support staff are native Japanese who have spent considerable time overseas studying and working and are very capable of being the middle person in any interactions with your potential Japanese customers. 

We will make sure there is an audit trail of the conversations in both Japanese and English and this is available on request at any time.  When we discuss any interaction with you, we will supply a copy of that to you so you can see the Japanese and our translations. 

Are there any issues with my products being sold to Japanese people?

As you are essentially purchasing your subscription from our main office in New Zealand there are no restrictions but there may be restrictions imposed when you try to send the products to Japan so we advise that you send us an initial email explaining your products or service before you subscribe and will be able to give you the details of any potential issues at that time. 

Most of these issues will be with Japanese customs. How to sell products in Japan ?  Importing depends on whether its a non regulated item or regulated but you can leave that to us to research for you prior to our first Google Meet or Zoom.  

Are there any issues with my products being sold to Japanese people?
Sell your products in japan in subscription - Japan marketing

Multilingual Sales & Marketing Assistance

We provide our clients with the option to speak with you in the language they are most comfortable which will help you best to express your concerns better. 

It believe that providing customer support in the buyer’s native tongue minimises misinterpretations, reducing the amount in trying to each a solution. 

Ecommerce Marketing In Japan

Why Us for eCommerce marketing in Japan?

  • We are experts in local & search engine optimisation
  • Our e-commerce platform is WooCommerce which is robust and popular
  • We translate all marketing information and the website
  • We will advise on any applicable taxes or duty
  • We can advise of any cultural issues that might restrict sales of your products
Selling in Japan is worth considering for many international e-commerce merchants. It’s a large and active consumer market.
How to sell products in Japan - Trade Show Logistics Agent

Trade Show Logisitcs In Japan

We have two services as your agent.  The first is to represent you with one of our staff going to the relevant trade show to discuss your requirements and giving you a detailed report of the results of that including booths that we represented you too, any printed documentation that we acquired and other media together with a brief of any conversations with full contact details for each such encounter. 

The second is to meet you when you arrive at a trade show and to be your interpreter and translator and to assist in any discussions and potential deals. After the trade show we will have a meeting to go the results and advise of options to help you further selling your products and services in Japan

How Much Does It Cost?

We currently have four subscriptions services.  The first two are for standard websites without any eCommerce.  The second two subscriptions are for eCommerce websites capable of selling online directly.  We offer support to our subscribers by operator chat online, and were required phone support.  How to sell products in Japan ?  Contact us on the  contact form below and we will get back to you. Try our subscription service and be up and running within 1 month. 

Basic Web Site up to 3 pages

Setup $500 USD
Monthly Subscription $100 USD
  • A Japanese WordPress website.
  • Hosting and backend access, website maintenance
  • Fully translated into Japanese
  • Promoted organically on Yahoo, Google
  • Full translation service between you and Japanese visitors, potential buyers etc.
  • Full support with an English support agent.
  • Cancel any time leaving you with the website ownership and website backup.
  • You keep 100% of sales (minus Stripe’s Fee)

Full Web Site up to 9 pages

Setup $750 USD
Monthly Subscription $150 USD
  • A Japanese WordPress website.
  • Hosting and backend access, website maintenance
  • Fully translated into Japanese
  • Promoted organically on Yahoo, Google
  • Full translation service between you and Japanese visitors, potential buyers etc.
  • Full support with an English support agent.
  • Cancel any time leaving you with the website ownership and website backup.
  • You keep 100% of sales (minus Stripe’s Fee)

eCommerce Website up to 10 products

Setup $1000USD
Monthly Subscription $200 USD
  • A Japanese eCommerce WordPress website.
  • Hosting and backend access, website maintenance
  • Fully translated into Japanese
  • Promoted organically on Yahoo, Google
  • Full translation service between you and Japanese visitors, potential buyers etc.
  • Full support with an English support agent.
  • Cancel any time leaving you with the website ownership or website backup.
  • Stripe. You create a stripe account and we add payments that go directly to your bank account.
  • WooCommerce shopping cart with orders going directly to you.
  • Photoshop product images to optimise them.
  • Set up the products, images, descriptions, categories, pricing and testing.
  • You keep 100% of sales (minus Stripe’s Fee)

eCommerce Website up to 50 products

Setup $1250 USD
Monthly Subscription $300 USD
  • A Japanese eCommerce WordPress website.
  • Hosting and backend access, website maintenance
  • Fully translated into Japanese
  • Promoted organically on Yahoo, Google
  • Full translation service between you and Japanese visitors, potential buyers etc.
  • Full support with an English support agent.
  • Cancel any time leaving you with the website ownership or website backup.
  • Stripe. You create a stripe account and we add payments that go directly to your bank account.
  • WooCommerce shopping cart with orders going directly to you.
  • Photoshop product images to optimise them.
  • Set up the products, images, descriptions, categories, pricing and testing.
  • You keep 100% of sales (minus Stripe’s Fee)

Why Sell Your Products in Japan?

  • The first important reason is that Japan has the 11th largest population globally
  • The second is that the Japanese get excited about the uniqueness or edge-ness of a product
  • Our subscription services cuts through the language, bureaucracy and other difficulties

Before Covid selling consumer products in Japan having a physical shop in Japan and reliance on local distributors but through out the country shutdown local consumers started using eCommerce (Buying from a website) instead of going to the store.  Sales through this time were high online and this trend is set to grown post-covid. Sellers now have a much bigger demand regardless of economic issues in the country so selling products in Japan is a good choice for foreigners as long as you have that helping hand to assist.

In addition the  Japanese consumer mostly used payment in cash with very little online payment methods and use and  also they have become addicted to smartphones. Consequently Apps, software and games that are popular internationally have become much more prevalent. This presents an opportunity for your products.  Try our subscription service and be up and running within 1 month.

Tokyo is a city that is driven by marketing. No where else in the world is lighting used so extensively to market. How big is the market in Japan for selling my products there

Building and growing a business in Japan requires focus and dedication and most importantly a guide to help you present your products in a way that makes them attractive enough to buy.. Japanese customers are fussy and demanding, it is not a market for quick-wins. However, coming for assistance to someone like us will improve your chances of winning in Japan.  

In Japan, the  buyer needs to know more than just what the product looks like and the function that it performs. Instead they buy its benefit. For example, if the product is not as heavy than the competition or it can be stored more easily it will have a better chance of being sold. Understanding and focusing on the right product benefits in Japan is critical. Benefits can be functional or they can be emotional. In other words the average buyer in Japan expects to check all the fine details (really fine) from how story of the raw products themselves and how it was put together so they then feel that I can make a better informed decision on whether to buy.

We are able to help you through this process, explaining why the website will need to feature small and sometimes insignifiant details and for that reason it is recommends that those wishing to succeed in Japan need to build a team on the ground that understands and delivers exemplary customer service.  Contact us for our “Guide for start-up sellers” to explore Japan Market.  Contact us for our “Guide for start-up sellers” to explore Japan Market.

Once you have your products or services in the market place in Japan you may want to consider starting a points system.  An effective rewards and promotions strategy can be incredibly powerful when trying to retain and grow your customer base. Japanese shoppers have a strong and enduring love of points systems and many have cited specific schemes as a key motivator for returning to a platform or brand.

How to sell products in Japan?  Lets talk by contacting us through the form below or calling us in Japan on +81 50 5050 8623

(How To Sell Your products In Japan). Try our subscription service and be up and running within 1 month. 

How to sell products in Japan

Examples of Web Design

We will help you to achieve your goals, this is sample of our website design
One of the website designs examples. How to sell products in Japan
This is another example of our web design skill that will suit Japanese customers. How to sell products in Japan. We are experts in marketing in Japan with over 20 years experience in Japanese business and marketing
This is an example of our web design skill that will suit Japanese customers. How to sell products in Japan. We are experts in marketing in Japan with over 20 years experience in Japanese business and marketing

A Message From The CEO

How to sell products in Japan Online

Sell Products To Japan by Subscription - Message from the CEO

Thank you for coming to this website.  I started this business in 2009 in my home country of New Zealand after having lived in Japan for some time. Initially, the business was IT and web, however, as I got hooked on design I started to concentrate on this area and built the company up to 15 staff. Since then  we have design and make live over 600 websites. On the digital marketing side of our business we have supported over 200 companies u to get a good ranking on Google.

I am now back in Japan starting the Japanese version of my New Zealand company .  

Please contact us if you even if you only have an idea that you are planning to realise and are interested in the Japanese market.  We would be happy to discuss the possibilities and hopefully see you through to success.

Dave Graham. (CEO, The Digital Lab 2023 Limited)

Digital Transformation (DX & Digital Branding, Web Development) in Japan (

Contact Us

We are available so please feel free to send us a message.  Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

How Can We Help You?

    We value our clients and will promise the best online support service. We are driven by a vision of not just good support but excellence in support. How to sell products in japan
    Finance your subscription through Stripe Payment Systems

    Your setup fee can be put on your credit card through Stripe.  Stripe is the world’s leading online payment system and judged one of the safest.