Our Companys Skills

Web Design
With over 600 websites already design we have the experience in design and deployment of WordPress websites to be able to assist you in your wish to enter the Japanese market through us.
What our clients say about us is the level if support we give them using the new vision of DX (Digital Transformation) where its more important for us to service our clients at a high level so that they stay with us because of that.

Internet Marketing
Over the last 14 years we have invested in our own staff developing internet marketing skills at an expert level both New Zealand and in Japan and will utilise those same techniques in promoting your products and services.
Our knowledge of organic search optimisation techniques has helped us help our clients achieve a much better ROI (Return On Investment) with both local and international SEO.

Company Operations Experience in Japan
Our CEO has registered an operated a number of companies in Japan. As we have mentioned elsewhere here, its a very difficult process with many road blocks to foreign involvement especially in executive roles.
We are building our new company in Japan on the acquired knowledge with the view to becoming a big player in this second.

Sales and Marketing Exeperience in Japan
Although marketing is thought to be very similar any where in the world, it is different in a number of ways from other countries.
What are similar are the seminars both online and offline and the protection of the law when in involves patents, copyright and operation. processes of the business. We will work tirelessly for you so you can get on with the business of your products and services.

Japanese Language Skills
Japanese is not an easy language to learn. Even Natives often find the Kanji (one of the three basics of the language) difficult especially in the printed media.
Our staff are proficient as native speakers but have spend time in english speaking companies so communication will be used in a very clear and concise way as the in-between between you and the potential clients.

Cultural Experience and Knowledge of Japan
Japan is the land of slow change and its protected the culture because of that so its not possible to learn these skills without spending a long time living in Japan.
We can help you understand only what is relevant for you to sell your products and services in Japan and where there are any kind of road-block, we will help you to navigate around that to acheive success.