What to know about our "Sell Your Products In Japan" Subscription
How Do I know if my products are suitable for Japan?
1. Is your product or services regulated in Japan?
We don't take your money or ask you to sign up before we research whether your products or services are firstly un-regulated or regulated. If the product or service is regulated then its going to be more difficult marketing in Japan, however, its not impossible, but will require for upfront cash to setup the right connections to be able to "open the door" to you.
2. Are people going to like and want my product ?
When you contact us about getting a subscription we will collect as much information from you then approach buyers and stores in Japan to get initial feedback. If to is positive then we will give you the green light to proceed. If we can't get qualified feedback then we will use our social media audience to ask the same questions. If there is interest then we will let you know.
3. If the product is un-regulated the you can apply for the subscription
Once you have paid the setup fee we will create your Japanese website all the while keeping you posted by email and Zoom to the progress. Once you approve the website you will be required to pay the 1st month of the subscription we will then make it live but work on the SEO to get your website to a high ranking on the search in Japan.